Does free will really exist?

Warisara Ngansathil
2 min readAug 9, 2020


We usually think that in this modern world, we have the freedom to decide everything for ourselves. We receive standard education, live in a democratic society, and choose to do the careers we love. But how do we know that our decisions weren’t influenced by our surroundings? Whether it’s the people, the education, the advertisement, the media, or even the art we consume?

Since wartime, there were a number of posters persuading people to join the military. Most messages were about the positive side of joining the service. Not only the service itself that was propagandizing people, but also the support of war activities such as women working in the supply factories. Some rewards were true, and some were even subjective and playing with the desire of people. Whether through the idea of bravery, looks, independency, or sexual desires.

Up until the present time, especially in the era of decentralizing media, art in different forms are influencing people more than ever. Technically, anyone can be influenced on the choices they make in life. Anyone, even the people on the other side of the planet. Through music, photos, films, advertisements, or even social media posts and all the other things you can imagine. We think we choose what we see or read, but the algorithm is above our control. Our social circle, interests, or so-called the bubble effect in social media feed, is determining what we consume, think, and believe. Unlike in the past times, we aren’t just perceiving what our friends and family think anymore. It can be the thoughts of someone we don’t even know, chosen to be seen by us by someone we don’t even know either.

From the sprawl (propaganda about propaganda) that I watched. It is a little bit confusing. The website is about the art between art video and our emotions while watching the video. All of the video play with our mind.



Warisara Ngansathil
Warisara Ngansathil

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